Frequently Asked Questions

when does the service start?

Answer: Service starts at 10 am CT every Sunday

How do we get a hold of someone in the church?

Answer: Please see our contact us page for this information, we are reachable by Email or Phone!

Where is the church located?

Answer: we are located at 728 N Stevenson st. Olathe KS. 66061. For more information see our contact us page

Do we have a Sunday class?

Yes we do, it starts every Sunday at 8:40am. We have options for kid starting at middle school age. It is a very amazing class to experience.

Who are the Clergy?

Answer: we currently have in our church, 3 Clergy members, Bishop Mike, Father Steve, and Deacon Drew. for more information on our clergy. please see our about us page

how far back can I listen to sermons?

Answer: we have sermons dating back as early as the year 2007, but the frequency got higher as the years progressed. to listen to the sermons go to the sermons page. in the top menu locate the file called Sermon recordings, then navigate to the year and day you wish to listen.

Can I submit Tithe and Donations Online?

Answer: YES YOU CAN!

Go to our Tithe and Offerings page to submit electronically and securely through Breeze!